Green Screeds

  • Green Screeds
  • Green Screeds
  • Green Screeds

Flowcrete UK is dedicated to developing flooring solutions that make the construction industry a more sustainable and environmentally friendly sector.

This is important as the production of just one tonne of cement results in the emission of one tonne of CO2 alongside harmful nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides. What’s more, the quarrying of limestone – a key ingredient in cement - causes wastewater discharge, sedimentation, noise and air pollution, water table depletion and habitat destruction.

To minimise this environmental impact, Flowcrete UK’s range of Green Screeds is free from Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) and contains materials reclaimed from industrial waste streams.

The protein-free formulation of these screeds means that they can be laid at reduced thicknesses compared to semi-dry screeds, which delivers reduced shrinkage, superior compressive strengths and impressive thermal conductivity when combined with underfloor heating.

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