Flowcrete UK is dedicated to developing flooring solutions that make the construction industry a more sustainable and environmentally friendly sector.
The key to a strong, reliable and sustainable floor is a quality screed that will deliver the strength required to meet the Category A or BRE screed test standards (as per BS 8204-1), and which will do so quickly in order to allow for the speedy installation of final floor finishes.
Self-levelling screeds are applied in a liquid form which smoothes itself out over a given area. Flowcrete UK’s range of Isocrete Self Levelling Screeds offer numerous advantages for both new build and refurbishment projects.
Fast drying screeds or ‘accelerated screeds’ are ideal for projects that have only a small window of time in which to complete the application, usually because the floor needs to be trafficked or overlaid quickly.
A number of semi-dry and self levelling screeds can be applied and trowelled into place by hand, which is particularly useful for small areas where machine application won’t be effective.
Pumped screeds are rapid hardening systems that provide a high performance, cementitious, self-smoothing compound - ideal for providing a reliable underlayment that can be topped with a variety of floor finishes or that need to incorporate additional flooring components such as underfloor heating or acoustic insulation.
Flowcrete sub floor screeds range includes several ancillary products, from bonding agents, surface based primers and surface damp proof membranes allowing rapid installations, repairs on existing concrete slab, impermeable surfaces...
Selecting the proper material for concrete repairs, at times, can be difficult and time consuming with all of the different repair mortars that are available today.
Decorative coloured wearing screeds are used as an alternative with interior design as a wearing or visual surface.
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