Comfort Resins

  • Comfort Resins
  • Comfort Resins
  • Comfort Resins
  • Comfort Resins
  • Comfort Resins

According to FeRFA, ‘comfort flooring’ or ‘liquid vinyl’ resin systems have been growing in popularity in recent years. This type of resin flooring provides the comfort properties typically associated with cushion vinyl but with the additional benefits of a seamless, hygienic and durable resin floor.

Flowcrete’s modern floor finishes and colourings for industrial and commercial facilities deliver so much more than simply a floor - as these systems are integral parts of the whole environment, where the floor’s aesthetics, functionality and durability and are all important factors for the location’s overall success.

The seamless, impervious nature of these resin floors makes them easy to clean, which means that they are well-suited to environments with strict hygiene requirements. Flowcrete’s floors are able to retain a crack-free finish for the long term, avoiding the need for frequent repairs or early refurbishments in order to provide a solution that is not just functional, but which is also economical.

Flowcrete’s polyurethane Comfort Floor range creates the perfect look for commercial sites where design needs to be combined with comfort and care, such as in shops, offices, corridors, healthcare facilities, schools and restaurants.

Resistance to UV light has been built into the range’s smooth finishes and the low VOC content (as certified by the M1 emission class for building materials) of these systems makes them a sustainable flooring choice.

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