
  • Safety/Anti-Slip
  • Safety/Anti-Slip
  • Safety/Anti-Slip

Slip resistant flooring is a health and safety must-have for most industrial and commercial facilities, as otherwise it’s only a matter of time until a member of staff or customer suffers a painful and costly accident.

Flowcrete UK’s flooring is available in a range of textures and can be graded with aggregates to create an anti-slip profile that minimises the risk of falls by enhancing traction underfoot.

The diversity of slip resistant floors on offer means that there is a solution for any environment, whether it’s a shopping centre’s food hall, prone to dropped snacks and fizzy drinks or a heavy manufacturing plant that needs to account for oils, greases and fuel. 

Flowcrete UK knows all too well that slip resistance often has to be balanced with cleanability and its flooring experts are able to provide advice and information to most effectively combine these dual requirements.

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