New Build

  • New Build
  • New Build
  • New Build
  • New Build
  • New Build

Choosing floors for a new development can throw up a lot of questions and challenges. What does the floor need to look like? How can I make sure it withstands conditions on-site? What if it can’t be installed in time? How can I reduce the thickness and weight of the floor?

Flowcrete UK has developed its flooring range to provide a variety of screed and resin flooring options to any development that takes into account the aesthetics, construction practicalities, budget and application timetable.

It is important to ensure that the floor finish in each part of a facility will work for that area, as rarely will a one-size-fits-all approach to flooring work across a large-scale commercial or industrial complex. Flowcrete UK has taken the demands of different environments into account and is able to provide floors for each part of a facility – from public facing areas that need highly decorative surfaces, to robust finishes for plant rooms, specialist deck coatings for multi-storey car parks and everywhere in between.  

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