Chemical Resistance

  • Chemical Resistance
  • Chemical Resistance
  • Chemical Resistance
  • Chemical Resistance
  • Chemical Resistance

Flowcrete UK’s chemical resistant coatings can maintain a seamless, high quality finish for an extended period of time despite contact with even the most caustic of solvents, acids and alkalis. Specific sectors can even specify floors tailored to meet the common chemicals used in that industry, for example aircraft hangars can install a surface that won’t be damaged by aviation hydraulic fluid.

Unprotected concrete floors can quickly deteriorate after exposure to corrosive chemicals – and it’s not just the extreme chemicals used in heavy industry that can damage coatings, as even food and drink spillages in commercial facilities can spoil a floor finish.

Making sure that the floor beneath your feet is able to withstand the on-site chemicals is especially vital in sensitive food production, manufacturing, healthcare and kitchen environments. As otherwise the floor could become an unsightly and unhygienic blemish prone to bacterial contamination. 

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