Transport & Railways

  • Transport & Railways
  • Transport & Railways
  • Transport & Railways
  • Transport & Railways
  • Transport & Railways
  • Transport & Railways

In conjunction with the ongoing investment into the UK's rail network and associated transport infrastructure, Flowcrete UK is pleased to unveil its variety of high quality, resin based flooring solutions designed to provide a vibrant, non-slip and tactile route from the turnstile right through to the platform edge.

Below the floor finish, Isocrete Floor Screeds deliver the sub-floor strength and levels needed to support high-traffic environments. Included in the range are Isocrete K-Screed that contains an innovative K-Additive that reduces the required water content, leading to a faster cure time and a superior strength screed and Isocrete Isogran, a polymer modified granolithic wearing screed compliant with Section 12 of the Fire Precautions Act, 1971.

Self-levelling epoxy systems can also be installed in back-of-House areas and plant rooms, providing adequate but cost effective protection from the demands of a busy working environment.


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