Food and Drink

Flowcrete offers a range of hygienic polyurethane flooring solutions that are designed to combat the unique challenges found within food and beverage environment…

Food and Drink Manufacturing

Food and Drink Manufacturing

Food manufacturing environments are exposed to a wide variety of corrosive by-products and contaminants including fats, hot oils, blood, sugar solutions and natural food acids - all of which can deteriorate insufficiently robust surfaces in a clean zone, resulting in uncontrolled bacterial growth and putting the site at risk of contamination incidents.

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Brewery floors are subject to spills and staining as well as heavy loads and foot traffic. Caustic chemicals, thermal shock, slip resistance and hygiene are also a concern.

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Dairy and Cheese

Dairy and Cheese

Like most wet processing facilities, dairy and cheese plants can prove a challenging environment for unprotected concrete. Protective floor coating systems must offer sufficient chemical resistance to corrosive dairy fats, lactic acids and proteins as well as provide an anti-slip, easily cleaned and de-greased surface.

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Meat and Poultry

Meat and Poultry

In Europe, particularly in the UK, meat and poultry processing facilities are legally mandated to implement and achieve food safety management systems. As such, hygiene and safety are the top priority so as to avert the risk of foodborne illness resulting from contaminated meat and fish products. 

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