
The thought of most car workshops and garages conjures up an image of a dirty, grimy and greasy space, cluttered with mechanical detritus and posing a variety of health and safety hazards.

The oils, greases and chemicals inherent to the sector can have an adverse effect on the cleanliness, safety and appearance of the automotive sector, and the floor is at the forefront of this. Automotive chemicals can affect unprotected concrete or any coating that is not able to withstand corrosive substances, as they will eat into the finish and weaken the surface. A bright, seamless, impervious and chemical resistant surface is therefore imperative to ensuring that the site can remain unblemished and hygienic.

These contaminants aren’t just an aesthetics issue, as they can also be a dangerous slip risk. Floors with a textured, anti-slip finish need to be installed in areas prone to slippery conditions to help minimise the threat of painful and costly accidents.  

The floor area will also more than likely come under attack from physical impacts (such as from dropped tools), heavy point loading (from cars and equipment), foot traffic and cleaning sessions.

Flowcrete UK has developed a wide range of resin coatings ideally suited to the demands of the automotive market due to the non-slip, grease proof, exceptionally robust and chemical resistant nature of these floors. These include the hardwearing epoxy resin coating Flowcoat SF41, the self-smoothing Flowshield SL and the exceptionally chemical resistant Flowchem VE

Many of the world’s most prestigious car manufacturers, sellers and repairers have worked with Flowcrete UK to design floor plans that incorporate texture, bright colours and signage to enhance traction underfoot, create navigational walkways and to highlight hazardous areas. Considering the appearance of the floor from this perspective can help make the site a considerably safer and more effective working environment.

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