Market Sectors



The aerospace sector covers all aspects of sub-orbital and space flight, dealing with state-of-the art aviation and aeronautical vehicles that must be protected at all costs.

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The complex nature of airports means that architects have to account for a variety of critical operating factors to create a site that can safely manage thousands of people everyday while simultaneously maintaining a pleasant, hygienic and well-organised environment.

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The thought of most car workshops and garages conjures up an image of a dirty, grimy and greasy space, cluttered with mechanical detritus and posing a variety of health and safety hazards.

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Car Parks

Car Parks

A multi-storey car park is often the first part of a building that a person will see – which means that they will be forming an impression of the location before they even step inside.

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Chemical Power and Water Processing

Chemical Power and Water Processing

Plants that utilise aggressive chemicals and solvents need to be protected against the structural and environmental damage they can cause with specialist flooring systems tailored to withstand the harsh substances on-site.

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Distribution & Warehousing

Distribution & Warehousing

The floor finish in warehouse and distribution centres is crucial to the “smooth” running of the facility, as any bumps, cracks or flaws in its surface can have serious consequences on the ability of lift trucks to move quickly and efficiently among the narrow racking systems.

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Architecture, space utilisation, décor and air quality play a vital role in shaping a stimulating learning environment.

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Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can pose a serious threat to sensitive electronic equipment - damaging circuitry, disabling components and generally posing a threat to a device’s working life. In facilities where flammable materials are present, static can even present a dangerous ignition risk!

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Food and Drink

Food and Drink

Flowcrete offers a range of hygienic polyurethane flooring solutions that are designed to combat the unique challenges found within food and beverage environment…

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The healthcare sector works around-the-clock in order to stay one step ahead of the numerous harmful viruses and diseases through rigorous cleanliness standards, global research and development programmes and the production of specialist medicines.

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High Rise Residential

High Rise Residential

State-of-the-art flooring solutions are required to meet the demands of modern high-rise residential developments.

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Leisure & Hotels

Leisure & Hotels

The floor area is a great interior design asset to leisure and hotel facilities, as it’s a vast area that can make a bold statement with bright colours, on-brand imagery, logos and captivating patterns.

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Manufacturing facilities will subject the floor area to a long list of punishing challenges on a daily basis – including physical impacts, point loading from heavy equipment and pallets, forklift truck traffic and corrosive industrial chemicals to name just a few. Despite all this abuse, it is imperative that the floor maintains a level, seamless, impervious, slip resistant, colourful and functional surface.

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Corporate offices are high-flying environments - the hub of commercial operations, a meeting place for visitors and customers as well as a home for employees during working hours - so make sure that your office makes the right noises underfoot!

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Flowcrete UK offers a complete package of specialty epoxy, polyurethane, MMA and vinyl ester resin floor and wall systems designed to cater for all areas within pharmaceutical facilities as well as an extensive range of sub floor screeds and substrate treatments in order to ensure the integrity of the final floor finish.

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Within a retail environment the floor area acts as the backdrop to the products on display, making it an integral aspect of the venue’s overall image.

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Social Housing & Residential

Social Housing & Residential

Flowcrete UK has developed a range of high performance floor, wall, ceiling and soffit protection systems tailored to meet the social housing sector’s aesthetic and functional demands. Disruption is minimised, as the fast curing nature of these solutions allows follow-on trades to start work earlier and for residents to return to everyday activity sooner than expected.

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Stadia & Arenas

Stadia & Arenas

Stadia and arenas are some of the most prestigious landmarks on earth – vast, iconic buildings constructed using the latest architectural technologies in order to showcase the pinnacle of music, sports and entertainment.

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Flowcrete UK understands that supermarkets are the go-to place to meet most domestic consumer needs. These retail outlets often require minimal downtime for refurbishment along with high performance flooring.

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Transport & Railways

Transport & Railways

In conjunction with the ongoing investment into the UK's rail network and associated transport infrastructure, Flowcrete UK is pleased to unveil its variety of high quality, resin based flooring solutions designed to provide a vibrant, non-slip and tactile route from the turnstile right through to the platform edge.

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