M-Bond & M-Bond Extra

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A solvent free epoxy bonding agent for concrete or screeds, applied in a single coat (M-Bond) or two coat application (M-Bond Extra) to provide a damp proof membrane as well as a bonder.
Used for bonding and damp proofing concrete, cementitious screeds and polymer modified cementitious screeds to concrete, particularly Isocrete K-Screed, Isocrete Fast K-Screed, Isocrete Screedfast and Isocrete Isogran.

Flowcrete products are guaranteed against
defective materials and manufacture and
are sold subject to our standard ‘Warranty,
Terms and Conditions of Sale’, copies of
which can be obtained on request. Warranty
does not cover suitability, fit for purpose
or any consequential or related damages.
Please review warranty in detail before
installing the products.

M-Bond is solvent and nonylphenol free and practically odourless during application. Follow the appropriate
Occupational Health and Safety guidelines applicable to the location where the application is undertaken.
For more information, please refer to the safety datasheets for the individual components.

  • Thickness: Inclusion of M-Bond or M-Bond Extra makes thinner screeds possible.
  • Resistant: Resistant to impact damage and surface wear.
  • Low Odour: A solvent free formulations that exhibits low odour during application.
  • Water Resistant: Can be used to provide a full DPM between the concrete and the screed.