Linzers Bakery

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Total Floor and Wall Protection at Linzers

State-of-the-art protection has been installed to the floors and walls of a bespoke bakery, with a performance system from Flowcrete. Established in 1984 by Andrew and Sue Bell, Linzers Bakery – named after a sweet pastry from Linz in Austria – provides specialty cakes, buffets and business lunches and has four sites in Norwich.

Under a new build programme, the anti-microbial floor finish Flowfresh has been installed at the new factory/bakery for Linzers. On the walls Peran WW wall finish, another Flowcrete product, has also been used. The work on site also included the installation of Flowcrete’s ultra-hard wearing coating SF41 on the timber mezzanine in the new factory.

Although known throughout the industry for its floor finishes, Flowcrete also offers the unique wall coating Peran WW, which complements the surfaces underfoot to offer the total hygiene solution. The wall coating Peran WW offers exceptional benefits for the food industry. It is very hard-wearing and has an exceptionally smooth surface that does not retain dirt or dust, making it very easy to clean.

Together with the Flowfresh floor finish, it offers the best possible protection to keep areas clean and sterile. Furthermore, the colours available are designed to provide an attractive environment too.

Project Details

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