Manchester and Cheshire Dogs’ Home

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Kennel Refurbishes with Parvovirus Killing Floor Coating

Flowcrete UK has worked with the Manchester and Cheshire Dogs’ Home to refurbish its kennel blocks after a fire. 

A selection of hygienic floor and wall solutions were utilised to create a clean and colourful kennel environment that would not deteriorate when faced with the site’s challenges. It was important that the kennel’s bare concrete floor was coated with a high performance finish, as concrete is hard to clean, prone to bacterial growth, liable to deteriorate and is aesthetically unappealing.

200m2 of Flowfresh HF in blue was installed in a 9mm thick coating across the main walkway and corridors while a further 650m2 of Flowfresh HF was applied within the dog kennels in a light grey colour.

Flowfresh creates a seamless and impervious finish that would help the Manchester and Cheshire Dogs’ Home to keep the kennels clean and hygienic, which was essential as the site would be exposed to dog faeces, dirt and dog hair on a daily basis. 

In addition to this, the client chose Flowfresh as it includes the antimicrobial additive Polygiene®, which is able to eliminate up to 99.9% of bacteria. This silver-ion agent can destroy both MRSA and the parvovirus, both of which need to be accounted for in dog kennels due to the presence of dog faeces.

To further enhance the site’s cleanability, the epoxy paint Peran WW was applied onto the walls. This would make it easy for the staff to wash any dirt, grime or contaminants off the walls without having to worry about the coating staining or failing.

Project Details

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