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Flowcrete UK Supply Mondéco For Modern Manchester Office

Located in Manchester’s Central Business District, Trinity recently underwent a full redevelopment including the addition of a seventh floor and the infilling of the atrium.

To bring this 18th century building bang up to date, Flowcrete UK was chosen to supply a fresh, contemporary flooring solution for the reception area.

To generate a first impression that was both welcoming and had the wow-factor, the seamless epoxy resin terrazzo system Mondéco Classic was chosen in a custom colour that provided a clean, crisp and visually striking appearance to the space.

Applied over the 200 m2 area, Mondéco Classic incorporates a blend of marble chips that added a shimmer to Trinity’s atrium. The flooring system’s abrasion resistance meant that the finish would stand the test of time, even with daily footfall, scuffs and scrapes inherent in reception areas.

The seamless epoxy resin terrazzo could also be easily cleaned even in the presence of high footfall, thanks to the absence of joints or gaps in the floor where dirt could hide.

With the redevelop work completed in February 2019, the Wired Certified Platinum building was ready to welcome today’s modern business.

Photos courtesy of Photo Paul Karalius.

Project Details

  • Client: Helical PLC
  • Products: Seamless Terrazzo
  • Market Sector: Offices
  • Location: Manchester, UK
  • Year: 2018

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