EUCO Diamond Hard

EUCO DIAMOND HARD is a liquid densifier and sealer for concrete.

EUCO DIAMOND HARD combines silicate and siliconate polymers which penetrate the concrete structure leading to a chemical reaction resulting in lowered surface porosity, increasing abrasion resistance and overall durability.

Thanks to the use of special siliconate modifiers, substrates protected with EUCO DIAMOND HARD acquire hydrophobic properties – protected surfaces will strongly bead water.

Concrete protected with EUCO DIAMOND HARD becomes dustproof, shows increased resistance to tire marks and is easier to keep clean. While regularly used and cleaned, EUCO DIAMOND HARD protected surfaces develop an aesthetic, non-slip, glossy sheen that does not peel, fade or wears away.

EUCO DIAMOND HARD is especially recommended for protection of new or renovation of old concrete floors in manufacturing plants, warehouse, cargo terminals, logistic centers as well as in commercial and service facilities, wherever floors are exposed to heavy pedestrian and wheel traffic.

Product Benefits
  • Enhances Appearance
  • Increases Wear Resistance
  • Prevents Dusting
  • Increases Chemical Resistance
  • Helps Preventing Tire Marks & Cleaning
  • Environmentally Friendly

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Concrete Protection Concrete Flooring

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