Resin terrazzo floor finish
A 5 component, rapid curing resin terrazzo floor finish that provides a durable, non porous and luxurious finish.
Suitable for internal use in residential & commercial buildings such as museums, hotels, restaurants, airports, shopping centres. Mondéco Rapide has extensive and flexible design properties, as well as abrasion and superior UV light resistance to minimise yellowing.
Mondeco Rapide provides superior UV light
resistance and minimise yellowing. However,
no products are 100% totally colour fast
and may change colour over time. Colour
change depends on the UV light and
heat levels present and hence the rate of
change cannot be predicted. This is more
noticeable in very light colours but does
not compromise the product’s flexibility or
chemical resistance characteristics.
Separate each adjacent application bay (a
day’s lay) by a trim and ensure that single
batch components are used within each bay.
Intensively coloured products (e.g. hair
colourants, medical disinfectants etc.) and
plasticiser migration (e.g. from rubber tyres)
can lead to irreversible discolouration in
the surface. Please contact our Technical
Services Department for further advice.
The finished system is assessed as nonhazardous to health and the environment.
The long service life and seamless surface
reduce the need for repairs, maintenance
and cleaning. Environmental and health
considerations are controlled during
manufacture and application of the products
by Flowcrete staff and fully trained and
experienced contractors.